December’s MOONDECK Card Draw 


… the rhythm of my breath directs the rhythm of my life.

“BREATH is the sacred thread that runs through us all. Each and every one of us needs to breathe to be alive. It enhances our awareness, allows us to shape our perspective, and enlivens our presence moment to moment. Slow down deepen your breath. If you listen closely, your breath has a rhythm. If you feel closely, your breath has a pattern. Your breath responds to mood, emotion, movement, and energy. The simple act of breathing can be incredibly healing when practiced mindfully. Your breath may change when you are tense or soft, resting or dancing, making love, or feeling angry. Breath is present through it all. A deeper and more rhythmic breath will bring more centered awareness into your entire being. As you cultivate a practice of healthy breathing, the world around you and within you will respond to this shift.”

Let’s claim JOY this month… loud and proud, music bubbling in the background along with some spices to breathe in. ‘Tis the season to rejoice, to remember, to bring JOY to those you love, and to help those you don’t know. And when joy seems elusive, we can turn up the volume on our favorite music to block out the fear/concern until January 20… not that all will release that day, it’s that we will not be beholden to a raving lunatic anymore.

Can I get an exhale to that?!!

What can often get in the way of JOY is the mind, our ego Scrooge, the meanie, the bully, the misplaced need for love and respect… or simply turning on the TV, or tuning into social media, that can be both sides of anger and euphoria! Anyway, let’s call it “restlessness” and just be open to seeing what might be out of alignment? Sometimes we can easily spot the issue, but often, it is a subtle fog that can roll in, and has no real solution or purpose, says the ego.

The Sagittarius new moon on Monday, December 14, is a total solar eclipse. It is joined by the planet Mercury. So the spiritual meaning of the new moon relates to how you think and communicate. The experts also claim the solar eclipse is in good aspect to Mars, which gives the energy and initiative to set new goals and act on your plans with confidence. However, they also warn about a harsh aspect to Neptune meaning you must protect against deception and also infection (especially from the Coronavirus pandemic).

The WINTER SOLSTICE (on December 21) provides us the opportunity to bow to 'what is', and to welcome that which is 'on its way'. This pause between thresholds works to remind us to reignite our inner light; and as your light turns up, you will automatically turn away from the shadows.


And I said to my body… softly.


‘I want to be your friend.’


It took a long breath… and replied,


‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.’

Sonya Renee Taylor


For this moon cycle, and as we come towards the end of the year, let us focus on sprinkling joy, play, and self-nurturing each day. The path of transformation is long, winding, and can last a lifetime. Let's not forget that this present moment, right now, possesses everything we need to live a life we love. 

Joy does not have to be in the form of anything big, expensive, or time consuming. In fact, many times it's the simplest and most accessible experiences that bring us the most joy. 

Give yourself the gift of a joy-drenched present moment through this daily ritual:

1. Find a comfortable place to sit with a journal and a pen. Set a timer for 10 minutes. 

2. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Say out loud three times "I invite in joy and play into my life." Take three more deep breaths, letting those words sink in. 

3. Until the timer goes off, make a list of everything that brings you joy. These can be activities, experiences, foods, sports, hobbies, people, flowers, or anything else. Allow yourself to free write this joy-list, knowing you can always add to it any time you want.

4. Once you have your list, place it somewhere you can see it each morning. Choose one thing on your list each day to gift yourself with. For a bit more structure, schedule your joy-moment in your calendar at a specific time that you will devote to it. 

Allow for spontaneity to arise, and if you feel inspired to find joy in new ways, follow that. Know that your joy is medicine. For you, for the world, and the planet… 

And when we’re feeling restless, Jeffrey Scott has some suggestions to play around with; try some of these SHADOW STRATEGIES, and engage a journal (of course;-), especially if you went through the journal prompts for finding joy, and see where the conversation takes you to confront your shadow:

-       Connect with your interests and follow your bliss.

- Explore your dreams and imagination 

-       Cast your vision of your future self.

-       Clarify and reaffirm your personal values.

-       Improve and restore your sleep.

-       Find your center and observe yourself.

-       Stand still and open your body. 

-       Acknowledge your rage.

I would also like to add that doing your journal prompts, shadow connections or time alone… take it into nature. An interesting fact I just learned is that breathing in diverse ecosystems helps your internal microbiome. Additionally, finding a healthy fern in the forest is your call to have a seat and read a book for a couple hours to breathe in the amazing nutrients that fern has called home.

The COLD (or Long Night) FULL MOON on December 29 brings with it a powerful illuminator, and a perfect time to write a ‘Love Letter’ to yourself (find a fern;-). Especially after a tough year like this one, it is very nourishing to take the time to appreciate what you have accomplished, and how much you have to look forward to in this life and in your body.

This letter is also a good preface to my FEATHER-ROCK RITUAL that can take place anytime between this full moon and the next new moon on January 13th. This is also a fun ritual to do with friends and family; you can even integrate it into a fun holiday activity around the fire.


Collect two items for this ritual… one rock and one feather (or leaf). This next bit will be easy if you have done the journal prompts, played with the shadow activities, or set your intention for the year from my guide. This is where you attach meaning to the two objects you collected:


FEATHER = something you wish to release

i.e.  ‘an old story about yourself that no longer serves’


ROCK = something you choose to ground into

i.e.  ‘an intention, goal, practice and/or anchor’

Hold an object in your hand, one at a time, and infuse the rock/feather with its’ meaning. Then leave these objects by your bed for a night or three, until you feel the desire to set your feather free. This is when you go the ocean, or a mountain top, or anywhere that calls to you and set ‘yourself free’ by sending that feather off into the breeze until it floats out of site, along with what no longer serves you.

Leave the rock at your alter, your desk, bed or counter; wherever you will see your symbol for the year to come. This will help to ground and strengthen your resolve, this rock will serve to anchor you into your intention.



INTENTION NECKLACES… by Tahoe Boho            contact:

Can create a new necklace for 2021 OR add-on this years’ WORD




Rewild Our Soil…