Off the Beaten Path 2

The big question of whether to grow our humanity or keep destroying it, is one that cannot wait for an answer any longer. We once thought the earth was flat, and then collectively decided to move in the direction of ellipses. There are levels of consciousness, of thought; humans are self-aware, whereas animals are bent on survival. We humans are capable of change, of acquiring knowledge we can debate about, and of ‘becoming’ better, stronger, wiser. History has shown that we have drawn a line in the sand between those with consciousness and anything else on earth without. Fortunately, this line of consciousness is a continuum; humanity is not a dodgeball game between them and us, life vs humans.

Just as easily as we have settled for using money and power as guiding forces in making our life decisions, so too can we choose better morals to evaluate and decide upon our future endeavors. If we allow scarcity and fear to rule this planet for much longer, there will be no resources left to compete over. The irony of scarcity is that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it can be denied when communities pull their resources together, no longer relying on competition to separate us.  

We fabricate many stories in our head to help bolster the illusion of control… control over our lives. For me, I get very nervous around the shiny, happy people; I simply see the costume carefully curated over the years, and why would so much effort be made to put a perfect look together (hair, make-up, clothes, walk, talk, title… the list goes on). A perfect costume to hide what lies within.

I like the unchecked, even the messy when it comes with dirt under the fingernails and paint on the shirt… remnants of creation are a turn-on. Life is messy, difficult, and sad at times; there is no need to hide it all away behind some manicured façade.


Your own truth is waiting for you,

behind your carefully curated veil of uncertainty.

Let it fall off,

along with all your fears,

let yourself fly free.

Let’s all fly free.

I would rather have a face full of life, than the porcelain skin of an empty vase. It is time to make changes by allowing the light of truth shine bright on a lot of areas. Our businesses need to get smaller, and smarter in how we create our products, and how we sell them. We should be moving toward a ‘circular economy’, one that reuses what is left behind, and leaves no waste.

While we need to bring community back into our corporations, to think smaller and more equitably, we also must make room for our consciousness to evolve. We have been acting out our most childish wishes in a highly patriarchal society; this has been the backbone of American companies, one that profits at all costs.


There are few worse things

than what is left undone,

for your future self to unravel.


Consciousness is not a religion, people are religious… it is a choice, and I am not suggesting you to surrender your values or morals (unless they stink); I am asking for a willingness to expand into a broader consciousness. Most of us have been constricting our hearts for so long, we are living with half breaths, half thoughts, and half the moments of peace. 

It is our time to listen to our inner wisdom for guidance back into our hearts, and back to the center of humanity… which is community. Slow down and turn to your community for the best and brightest future we can envision for ourselves and our planet.


COVID-19 Pandemic Habits Worth Keeping
