The body is a device to calculate

the astronomy of the spirit.


Look through that astrolabe

and become oceanic.


Water is one of the five elements of the universe: fire, earth, air, space and water. These same elements are the building blocks of us humans; I AM fire, earth, air, space, and water. As every snowflake, tree, animal, or person… we are all unique in our design, but we have equal similarities. These elements are all intriguing, but this month we focus on water… and honor her power to be a graceful force, flowing in her travels around this beautiful world of ours.


LA LUNA controls our oceans, and lulls our seas back and forth onto the sandy beaches of our shores with her graceful presence. Plants follow a similar rhythm as they sprout, bud, bloom, fruit and return to seed. Like a seed, the moon also holds the potential for growth and expansion. As it grows, the moon becomes brighter and more full, until the moment it is completely illuminated, then begins its return to darkness… the end is also the beginning.

Lindsay Mack says of every October, “this is a powerful month, moving us from justice (Libra) to death (Scorpio); this is the moment before our rebirth next month.” And it is just so timely this year, as I find myself holding my breath writing this (and have the Supreme Court Hearings echoing on my TV). Where I feel movement currently is in balancing my heart and mind; I am easily drawn in by my emotions, this can be turbulent and exalting, and I believe I am being called to calmer grounds. The struggles playing out in our nation this year is if nothing else, about justice and rebirth. And I cannot stand some high moral ground, pointing fingers at those who do not align with my sensibilities without losing my cause in that action. I now wish for my indignation to take a backseat to my cause.

I wish to embody the bigger issues at hand… and for me, my issue is healing mamma earth. I am going to choose to take action, not with trigger-happy pointer-fingers, but with thoughtful activism. Where this path takes me is another topic, but I am currently diving deep into the ‘Kiss The Ground’ movement:

Instead of eroding land, as large-scale conventional agriculture tends to do, regenerative farming and ranching reinvigorates the soil with the stuff that makes it so great: teeny tiny microorganisms that support plant growth and clean up the environment in the process.


Lindsay Mack has more brilliance I wish to share… “Somewhere, within you – within all of us – there beats an ancient heart, one that can guide us back to the source of our innate wisdom, no matter how lost we might feel. This ancient heart is what we are reclaiming this month. It is what beats underneath all of our distractions, contractions, old habits, patterns, and behaviors that don’t serve us. It is what beats under our brain chemistry, our trauma patterning, our hyper vigilance, our fears and worries. This heart is connected to our intuition, to our trust, to Source, and to the spiral. This heart knows that we aren’t ever meant to live life from a perfect place of balance. This heart knows that it’s not about getting it right all the time. It’s about embracing the spiralic, rather than the linear, so we can continue to see the opportunities for growth in all that we are handed.”


You may very well know what is out of balance for you currently, and that may or may not be what you wish to set your intentions around this month, but I believe the call for a rebirth is very strong for the end of this month’s lunar cycle, and I’m wondering what you will ground into when November’s new moon rolls around. We have time to ponder this, and I have chosen a NEW & FULL MOON RITUAL to share that just so happens to include the water element (see last page:-)


JOURNAL PROMPTS to help crystalize your intentions and inspirations this month:

-        In what ways am I wanting connection?

-        What am I doing when I feel most connected?

-        What or who am I yearning to visit?

-        When do I feel secure?

-        Where do I feel at home?



"Integration is just as important as learning. When we've filled our basket to the brim, we need to pause from taking more in so we can digest all that we've gathered.

You're incredibly resourceful, with a deep well of insight and knowledge to share. Now is your time to embody the abundance you've harvested and put what you know into action - in your own life and in your offerings to the world.

Step back and acknowledge your teachers. Integrate what's been passed on to you, and share your growth with others; this can take many forms. If you feel like you're 'not ready yet', know that you do indeed have something special to share, and you can make a positive impact with all that you already are. Now is the time."



Surrender to a luxurious bath inside your home, and add some delightful radiance to your soak; light some candles, add some salts or bubbles, pick the perfect playlist. Let your muscles warm and relax, allow your body to release toxins, unfurrow your brow, and melt into the water.  When you are ready to take your relaxation to the next level: close your eyes, breathe in for five counts, breathe out for five counts, and repeat five times. Sit in silence to find your center. If you want to breathe for another set of five, go for it! Find center, then repeat this mantra three times – “SAT NAM” -- deep breath in, then out, between each repeat. This mantra translates to “I AM.” You can even play with affirmations, and see if you can chant (at least) five traits you are grateful for about yourself.

For example:  I am kind, I am a good mom, I am curious, I am growing, I am healthy & I am tired… so I deserve this time to unwind.


I am sharing a website quiz that provides your personal Ayurvedic dosha-type. Getting to know and appreciate your dosha is key to knowing yourself. It provides clues for what you should eat, and what things you should address when your energy gets out of whack. The more you know about what may cause certain reactions or tendencies, the easier it will be to balance them. So, here is the link for a free evaluation:


Enjoy the information the Ayurvedic site shares with you after taking your test; and spend some time getting to know your type. Next month’s newsletter will have some helpful food ideas to take us through the winter with a little Ayurvedic love.


We all know this, but I think it’s a good one to repeat; especially as we head into the cooler months, we often don’t realize how drying the cold weather can be, even indoors! Drinking eight cups (64 oz.) plus of water every day is the best way to clear toxins from your body. It is most important, however, to be mindful of the quality of your water. I now enjoy our own well water (that gets tested regularly) but I used to love my Zero Water Filter system (reasonable and the filter lasts a long time); it also comes with a “solid waste detector” that I find fascinating. We once noticed a difference in the taste of our water, tested, and found a 20 point increase; called the city and found out the pollen count had tripled that week, and the effects were found in the water (wow).


The Moon Deck


The two-part ritual lands on the upcoming NEW & FULL MOONS.

Gather your favorite salts, dried herbs or flowers, essential oils, and a bowl. The New Moon can be celebrated solo or with close sisters; the Full Moon is a solo journey for this ritual.



Set-up a sacred space and mix your salts and dried herbs/flowers in your bowl.



Speak 3-5 intentions on how you’ll integrate and share all you’ve gathered, from now until the next New Moon. With each statement, splash your essential oil into the salts.



Take a full body (or foot bath) in your salts to amplify and integrate your intentions. Light candles, sip tea, and make this moment sacred. As the salts relax, detoxify, and mineralize your body, sink deep into your intentions – some of which may already be unfolding.



And for those who wish to purchase my LAVENDAR BATH SALTS… you can find them on my website TahoeBoho.com or @ MUSE Art Reclaimed in Tahoe City (check their hours first:-)




this world needs help…